RehabTech Asia -2015 in Singapore - Robotic Hand of Hope

Rehab-Robotics Company took part in RehabTech Asia 2015 exhibition. During the exhibition Hand of Hope and SmarTable were presented. It was a good place for Rehab-Robotics company present its brand and let potential partners and customers experience the devices.
Hand of Hope received high degree of attention as one of the most advanced rehabilitation technologies for upper limb. Rehab-Robotics team met not only potential partners from several Asian countries, such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, etc, but also from Middle East countries, North Africa and Europe. Also exhibition was beneficial for our partner in Singapore - Fu Kang Healthcare, because locally based occupational therapists and opinion leaders got a chance to test the device and understand how it can help their patients.
On behalf of the company international business development team thanks our partner, Fu Kang Healthcare, for tremendous support with exhibition and at the booth and Singex Exhibition Ventures for organizing the event. We are looking forward to join next Rehab Tech Asia in 2017!
RehabTech Asia Website